Friday, October 2, 2015

Gym Time Routine

I have definitely been taking advantage of the gym at the university. You know when you go to the gym for the first time in a long time and you're just so excited that you spend two hours just doing everything? No? Just me? Okay, well that was me for a good month. I have finally started to create a good routine for the gym. I have been focusing mostly on cardio and abs, so if you need some help coming up with a good one, here is what I do!

Before ANYTHING, I like to stretch my calves. These are my babies because I do so much running on the treadmill, and if I don't stretch my calves...walking up the three flights of stairs to my dorm room is killer (at least more killer than usual).
(photo credit here)
So I do a quick stretch, and then I step on the treadmill. I like to get my cardio out of the way first, so I turn on House of Cards on my phone and then start running at 6 mph. I know usually people listen to music when they workout, but watching Netflix is so much more distracting than listening to music. It makes the time fly by so much faster! I just started on House of Cards, so I watch it intently while my legs just run. I try to run three miles, which takes 30 minutes if I keep to the 6 mph speed. Sometimes I will only do 2.5 miles, but 3 miles is my goal. It may sound like a lot, and it is a serious struggle to get through those three miles, but I just keep watching my Netflix and push myself. Trust me, you can run much father than you think if you just push yourself.

After my run, I switch to the elliptical. The elliptical isn't the greatest workout, but it get's my heart pumping and that's all that matters. I will do the elliptical until I finish the episode of House of Cards, which is usually another 15 minutes or so.

Next, I transition to my ab workout. I will move to a matt and do the following ab workout while listening to my workout playlist on Spotify (Find it here!):
     -50 crunches
     -25 cross leg crunches (each side)
     -25 heel touches (each side)
     -50 butterfly kicks
     -50 scissor kicks
     -50 butterfly kicks
     -50 scissor kicks
     -50 crunches
     -50 butterfly kicks
     -50 scissor kicks
     -50 butterfly kicks
     -50 scissor kicks
     -50 crunches

To finish out my workout, I like to do some nice stretching, including downward dog and cobra pose. I also stretch out my arms and legs a little bit. This usually takes about 5 minutes.

That's my completed workout routine! It usually takes a little less than an hour, and I have been loving it! If you're curious, I like to workout at least three times a week, but sometimes I will do more. Anytime you just need a break from reality, working out is definitely the way to go!

Stay classy,

Cover photo credit here.

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