Friday, January 1, 2016

Tackling Your New Year's Goals List

I am a big list maker, so New Year's goals lists are the panicle of my obsession. I love making weekly or monthly goals lists, so why not try and commit to one for the whole year. I know usually people forget about they by the end of February, but if you write them down on a piece of paper or something and display out for your to see every day, maybe you can last longer than two months. Here's how I like to make my New Year's Goals List.

Step 1: Come up with your list.

Yeah this is a no-brainer, but I find this part to be most difficult. I wanted to come up with some more interesting goals for this year that are not only possibly but different. Need some inspiration? Here are a few ideas.
  • Saving Five Dollar Bills: If you want to do less of something, include a goal for the opposite so that you can track your improvement. For example, if you want to save more money this year, make one of your goals to take every five dollar bill you get and keep it in a container or something. This has a definitive plan of action for it and will help you save money by just doing something little. You can also create a monthly budget to stick to. Just another way to force yourself to save money.
  • Making a Year Long Reading Check-List: I LOVE to read, but I feel that every since I've started university, I have had zero time. I really want to start reading more, so I plan to add this to my list. Create a check-list of all of the books you want to read that year. Not only do you have ideas when you feel like you having nothing to read, but it's also extremely gratifying to check off your list.
  • Become More of a Morning Person: Every list needs to have at least one thing that is a bit challenging. When the goal is broad, like this one, include a plan of action to this. For example, for this goal I would set specific bed time for at least five days in the week or include night-time rituals that I plan to complete to help me fall asleep sooner. Including benefits of your goal can also help motivate you throughout the year. Don't be afraid to be elaborate about your list. You might only have five goals for the year, but make sure you have a plan of action for getting there and check points to complete.
  • Journal at Least Once a Week: Include a goal for a hobby you have. If you love to journal or play an instrument, make goals for that hobby. Take some time to think about things you would really like to do more of, and of course, make your plan of action.  
  • Apply for a Job/Internship: I like to include something you want to accomplish in the year. Whether it is in your work life, school life, or family life, set a goal. Like all of the other goals you have created, include a plan of attack. It makes something big seem so much more possible.
  • Volunteer at _____: The last goal I like to include is something more spiritual. I have always loved to volunteer, but like everything else, I feel like I never have the time. List a charity or some organization you would like to help. These goals should just be kept for yourself. Challenge yourself to improve someone else's life.
Step 2: Promote Your Yourself!  

This is the fun part, where you have some freedom. Find a way that will help you remember your goals. One reason people don't follow their goals is because they just forget.
  • Poster: One way I like to help myself remember my goals is by using colorful pens and makers to make a poster with all of my goals on it. Add doodles or stickers. Just be super creative. Pin it up somewhere so that you will pass it every single day.
  • Planner: Another think I like to do is to remind myself in my planner. My planner is something I like at nearly every day, so seeing my goals listed throughout the week always helps me. Grab your 2016 planner and cover your planner with your goals. List them at the beginning of the week or throughout the week. Just do anything to help you remember.
  • Phone: I have some notes on my phone that I am constantly looking at. One way that helps me remember my New Year's goals is by listing them in my notes. That way, you see them every time you look at your phone!
I hope this information can help inspire you with your New Year's Goals list. I know that it can be tricky, and you may not feel like doing it, but it is the perfect time! Put your foot down and make a difference in your life this year.

Stay classy,

Cover photo from here.

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