Friday, December 26, 2014

Three Steps to Abs: Diet

Today begins a three post series called Three Steps to Abs. I will be posting on the three ways I have figured out to get abs. This is process both you and I can work on together, so let's get started with the diet portion of it.

I have often been told that you can't just get abs from doing 100 crunches every day. It's more than that. "So how does it work?" you ask. The first step is to make sure you have a healthy diet. Abs are made 50% in the kitchen and 50% at the gym. Big shock (*sarcastic tone*) but eating crap and working out every day will not get you some rock hard abs. Here are my essential tips when it comes to a healthy diet.

1. Know what you are eating. If you take into consideration your meal and what is being put into it, trust me you will want to eat healthy. If you eat cheeseburgers and candy for every meal, just think about all of the sketchy ingredients in it. Bing healthy means that you have a healthy mindset also.

2. Drink water with every meal. Drinking water with every can cut down on your sugar intake immensely. Water is also great because it will fill you up more than any other soda or juice. And, of course, it's's one of the greatest things you can consume.

3. Portion control your meals. Portion control is the main priority when it comes to eating healthy. It's not so bad if you have a hand full of chips with your turkey sandwich, but if you leave the bag out and eat several handfuls, it can be pretty bad for you. Portion control every aspect of your meal to ensure that you aren't stuffing yourself with food, and to stay healthy.

4. Remember to do healthy snacking. Unhealthy snacking can also be a big issue for many people. (It is for me too.) It can easily get out of control. To control yourself, prepare snacks in small bags (like fresh cut fruit, veggies, cheese, etc.). We tend to reach for chips because they are easy to grab, so keeping your favorite healthy food on hand and at easy access will make it easier to eat healthier.

5. Include a fruit and veggie in every meal. This is a tip that I find very helpful. To make sure that your meals stay healthy, making sure you include a fruit and veggie in every sing one, as a great start. Keep to this rule the best you can.

Eating healthy is a very personal thing, and we each do it differently. Just remember to treat yourself sometimes (I always have a piece or two of chocolate at night as a treat), and remember that healthy food will give you so much more energy, and it will make you feel a whole lot better inside and out.

Stay tuned for the next two parts of the Three steps to Abs series.

Stay classy,

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